Money collection permit
Money collection permit number
Permit holder
Abilis-säätiö, y-tunnus 14661571
Permit issued
By the National Police Board, for 01.01.2021-31.12.2021
Use of collected funds
The collected funds will target persons with disabilities in developing countries through project funding granted by Abilis. The funds will also be used to cover the own contribution required from implementors as part of development cooperation projects.
Money collection area
Finland, excluding Åland Islands
Money collection executed by
Abilis Foundation funds projects that are planned by persons with disabilities, who also oversee the implementation and evaluation of the projects.
Cookie policies
Updated: April 6, 2021
Our website uses cookies. Cookies make using our website easy, fast and user-friendly.
A cookie is a small text file that is stored on a user's device by an internet browser. Cookies are stored on the user's device only from sites that the user allows. Only the server that sent the cookie can later read and use the cookie. Cookies or other technologies do not damage the user's device or files and cannot be used to access programs or spread malware. The user cannot be identified by cookies alone.
Cookies are used to improve the efficiency of analytics, marketing and communication. Cookies are divided into subgroups: functional cookies, product development and business reporting, advertising reporting and advertising targeting.
There are some third-party tools or plug-ins that are required for the service to function. Examples of such tools are embedding a video service on websites. In addition, such third-party plug-ins may collect information about users of online services, for example, to recommend content or track traffic.
If you wish, you can prevent your browser from using cookies, delete stored cookies or request notification of new cookies from your browser. Instructions on how to delete cookies can be found at: Blocking or deleting cookies may interfere with some of the functions of our website.
You can read more about cookies and Finnish cookie requirements on the website of the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency
We reserve the right to update our cookie policies, for example, due to service developments or mandatory legislation.
Our work
Programme Countries
Privacy policy
Abilis Foundation operates in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union and the supplementary data protection law. The purpose of data protection regulation is to strengthen the data protection of individuals and to give individuals the right to know what information about them is stored in various databases. The Privacy Policy has been applied since May 25, 2018.
Abilis Foundation treats and maintains the confidentiality of the personal information it collects in all its activities. The confidentiality of information is ensured, inter alia, by appropriate technical solutions and administrative measures, so that the information and information systems are kept available only to those authorized to use them. Personal data shall be processed only in accordance with the purpose for which they are processed and to the extent required for each task.
Abilis Foundation processes the personal data of its customers in the following activities and services:
EU project
Registers of the Foundation's country offices
Rights of the data subject
A request to review, refuse processing or delete data shall be made in writing, by telephone or in person, depending on the register.